How to Add Like Button to your Blogger(blogspot) Blog.?

Hello my friend welcome to my little Blog
                   Through this post I would like to give you a new Idea that you can add a 'facebook like button' to you Blogger(blogspot) blog.Which is very helpful to blog authors and it can make us an easy way to know the visitors' likes.
                    You can add different kinds of Like Buttons to your Blog as follows...

  • Standard.
  • Button count.
  • Box count.
And you can place it as follows.
  • Everywhere.
  • On Post Pages only.
  • Every where other that Static Pages of your Blog.
And you can locate it as your like from the following
  • Below the Post content .
  • Above of the Post content.
Button code is below

<fb:like expr:href="data:post.url" layout='standard' send='true' show_faces='false' font="arial" action="like" colorscheme="light"></fb:like>
The Yellow coloured text is The Type of Button which you would like to place in your Blog and you can also change the Term "standard" to the following
  1. Standard
  2. Button count
  3. Box count
If The Green coloured text is  True  the SEND button will be Enable and If it is False  The send Button will be disable
The Blue coloured Text is used to change font type .You can Also change The font to the following fonts types
  1. arial
  2. lucida grande
  3. segoe ui
  4. tahoma
  5. trebuchent ms
  6. verdana
The Gray coloured text is the text which shows on the Button you can only write the following words on the button otherwise your action is will be opposite to the facebook conditions.
  1. Like
  2. Recommend
The red Text is the Color Scheme of the Button you can choose from the following
  1. light
  2. dark 
How to add it to Blogger
  1. Login to your Blogger Account and go to Design > Edit HTML and enable  “Expand Widget Templates
  2. Press Ctrl+f and search for <data:post.body/>
  3. And immediately below that paste the copied Button code.
  4. Then find the tag  </head> , immediately above that paste the following code.
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    Note : you need not to add this code if once you are added this code for any other facebook widget on your site.


1 comment:

  1. Hello my friendz it is working properly in my blog(this blog).Try it in your Blog
