This possess only simple ways and this may help you to avoid misuse and editing of your animation by others.To get the Procedure read below steps by clicking on the post heading.
Do one or both of the following:
- If you want reviewers to enter a password before they can view the presentation, type a password in the Password to open box.
- If you want reviewers to enter a password before they can save changes to the presentation, type a password in the Password to modify box.
- Password to open By default, this feature uses advanced encryption. Encryption is a standard method used to help make your file more secure.
- Password to modify By default, this feature uses advanced encryption. Encryption is a standard method used to help make your file more secure.
- Both passwords You can assign both passwords — one to access the file and one to provide specific reviewers with permission to modify its content. Make sure each password is different from the other.
It is critical that you remember your password. If you forget your password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it. Store the passwords that you write down in a secure place away from the information that they help protect.
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