Easy phone for children & old_avoid missuse

Hello guys, Now a days most of us are using mobile phones. And ever children are crying for phones. Now a days and it is mandatory to possess a phone even it is an old person. As a remedy, Accentia Technologies of Techno-Park in India [ Trivandrum, Kerala ] have made Safe Com mobile phone. It is going to hit the stores soon.

This phone allows you to receive calls from previously stored four numbers.and the phone can only store four numbers. This device possess four keys like M1, M2, M3, M4 .

Considering the security the device doesn't have features like SMS, Internet. And the company enabled the the GPS facility to trace the user of the mobile device.

when you click on the SOS button at center, the call will be to the M1. If it is engaged the phone call will be diverted to M2. You can control the working time of the device.eg : make it off while school time. And the alarm can be set, this can be done by sending SMS from M1 to M2.

This was designed and coded not only for children but also for Old Aged people. This will be more easy to use in case of old people who doesn't know to operate a phone, or for a person who is illiterate due to it's simple facilities.

Accentia CEO Pradeep had announced that Safe Com phones will be available on the super markets. Its price is set at 2,999 INR. It will be available in England from January.
Such a phone is first in the world.

Contact : safecomm@accentiatech.com



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