SmartPhoneMate: Monthly Free Recharge FAQ_ Frequently Asked Questions


About SmartPhoneMate (SPM) provides high quality consumer research to mobile communications industry leaders about the features and services that the mobile phone users prefer. Companies who subscribe to their reports include the top mobile service providers, phone manufacturers and games and content builders. SPMs’ monthly reports are read by senior executives in the mobile communications industry to assist them make better business, creative, and production decisions based on real consumer preferences and options.

SmartPhoneMate Panel:
The SmartPhoneMate Panel (SPM Panel) is a group of respondents who are willing to participate in their mobile communications research panel by installing their research software on their smartphones. Participation is completely voluntary. Participants receive participation rewards as a token of their appreciation for continuing their membership in their panel.

How do I install the software on my phone?
When you download the software from the WAP link sent to you, it will ask for installation, you just have to agree to the installation. If the installation has failed please write to us at
How do I update my contact or demographic information?

Simply send an email with "update my info" in the subject line and they will call you.

What if I change my phone or service provider?

If you change your phone, you can still be a member of the research panel as long as your new phone is on the list of currently supported SmartPhones. Send an email with "update my info" in the subject line and they will call you.

Why do I have to install software on my mobile phone?

In order to make the process of collecting your mobile phone usage data simple and highly accurate, Informate has developed proprietary research software that is easy to install on your smartphone. Participation in other types of consumer research among mobile phone users may require participants to complete long surveys or telephone interviews about their preferences, or to share their mobile phone billing statements. However, by installing the SmartPhoneMate software on your phone, you can participate without any inconvenience. And, using the research software, the collection of mobile consumer preferences is both highly accurate and fast, allowing your opinions to be heard quickly by today's mobile services decision makers. Read their Privacy Policy to learn more about how their research software works.

What does your research software do?
The SmartPhoneMate meter records and collects information about participants' mobile phone data usage. This may include messaging services, mobile web browsing activity, usage and titles of downloaded applications and files as well as usage of cameras, video streaming and other utilities on the mobile device. The meter may also collect information regarding the web pages you view, the links you access, and usage times for certain device activities (e.g. text messaging, call lengths, and web browsing).

Maintaining thier panel members' privacy is their number one priority. Therefore, they do not collect or view the text or other personal content in any of their panel members files including the actual content of text, email or instant messages, image files either downloaded or captured via the camera on a phone, or contact, address book or calendar entries saved on the phone. Please read thier Privacy Policy for more information.

How do I know if your software is working?
The software has no user interface that is visible on your smartphone. However, you can run one of the available third-party process monitoring tools on your smartphone to see if their program "monitor.exe" is running, or you can check their secure Panel Member Site to see if their server has registered any recent activity from your phone. (See How do I update my contact or demographic information?) Or, you can email the Panel Management Team with any questions or concerns at

How does your software send information back to Informate?
Our software establishes an http data connection to send compressed usage information to their server. All communications happen in the background without interfering with the usage of your smartphone. The research software establishes communication with the Informate server at specific intervals or when its local data storage has become too full. It has safeguards to prevent it from connecting too often or allowing its local data storage to grow beyond set limits.

Does your software monitor my phone calls?
No, their research software does not monitor your phone calls, nor does it record the phone numbers that you call or that call your phone. They never record or monitor your private conversations or voice mail messages.

See The instructions to use and Download the App here>>

Note: The FAQ is directly taken from the FAQ page of



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